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The Serbian list always support majority (Vesti online)

Interview: Slobodan Petrovic, President of Independent Lyberal Party (SLS) 

What, for the Serbian List, means the decision of the Constitutional Court?

Even before the decision, all parties in Kosovo have declared that they will respect it. We strive to be part of the solution, and not a problem.

When do you expect the next session of parliament and how will you vote? 

A new session of the Assembly of Kosovo has not yet been scheduled. Before it, the Constitutional Court should formally send its decision. According to the media, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is to propose a candidate for President of the Assembly. If the proposal does not pass, then new parliamentary elections might be scheduled. When it comes to our votes, the Serbian list will support those who manage to obtain a majority. 

You were recently elected for the president of SLS, for the third time. You were the only candidate. Does this mean that there is no better candidate in the party?

There are a lot of educated, talented people in the party. And they decided to trust me again. Party elections were organized in a fair, democratic and transparent manner and I am very proud that I was again re-elected.

Part of the members, even MPs, recently resigned from the party, reportedly due to a disagreement with your work?

I'm not going to comment on the statements, the motives and decisions of other people. We have formed a new Municipal Board in Strpce which will promote a new team of people and a new profile of politicians who will fight for better Strpce. In addition, four members of the Assembly of Gracanica have joined the party and now the parliamentary group of the SLS has seven, out of 19 members, of Gracanica Assembly. Soon, an entire party will enter in SLS.

What is the priority of SLS for Serbs in Kosovo?

Improving the position of the Serbian community, reconciliation and European future for all people in Kosovo. The current priority is the formation of the government and our participation in it.