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Janjic: Brussels dialogue is not interrupted (KiM radio)

The Serbian list decided not to enter the Kosovo government if Self-determination movement is part of it. President of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Dusan Janjic said that it is imposed decision. "Let us remember that the Serbian list already made a big mistake a month ago. Then, the Serbian list voted for the selection of Isa Mustafa, whose party then had Self-determination as a partner," said Janjic.

He added that Self-Determination continues the story of non-recognition of the European Union. "It would essentially mean the impossible process and giving up UN Resolution by Serbia and Kosovo, based on which the talks on normalization of relations are held in Brussels," Janjic said.

He explains what would happen if Kurti would lead the delegation for the talks between Belgrade and Pristina. "As Kurti announced, the talks would actually mean a direct dialogue without representatives of the European Commission, which is impossible. He left enough room for manoeuvre. At the moment, the dominated campaign is increasing of the popularity of Self-determination movement and possibly new elections," said Janjic.

Janjic said that the international community is not inclined to Self-determination and that it is resolute not to support repetition of the elections. "If elections will not be repeated, the number of options is limited. It is not certain that the ruling coalition must be formed with the Serbian list, but it is requirement that the Serbs are members of the Government," Janjic said.

Speaking about dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, he said that this year objectively it did not exist. "There were some meetings, technical agreements and crisis with Peace Park. Objectively, the situation has slowed, but the dialogue has not been formally interrupted," Janjic said.