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There will be no new elections in Kosovo? (Danas)

Kosovo's Constitutional Court decided that Thaci’s PDK, winner of the last parliamentary elections in Kosovo, will propose candidate for the President of the Assembly. As reported by Pristina media, the decision of the Constitutional Court means that there will be no new elections.

Diplomatic sources speculate that the current German "scenario" could be replaced by American, according to which the PDK, as the winner of the elections, with almost zero coalition potential, could be inevitable "player" in the political combinations. Some sources claim that the speaker of the parliament will be suggested by opposition and the party of outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo will join the new government. Though the decision of the Constitutional Court should put an end on the political election crisis in Pristina, it further deteriorated the situation.

Pristina media claimed that the opposition agreed on a specific strategy for a re-election of the President of Parliament, in order to prevent the election of a candidate of Thaci's party. Apparently, at the time of voting in the Assembly Hall should remain a leader of the LDK, AAK and the Initiative for Kosovo. However, it will be hard to implement it, since Constitutional Court recommended that “all representatives must be present at the election of the President of the Assembly.”

“Decision of the Constitutional Court is attack for the opposition coalition, which compromised itself. The process of forming the assembly is compromised, as well Isa Mutafa. Ramush Haradinaj will be politically buried, if he will not be elected for the PM. After the decision of the Court Thaci became “stronger”, new elections would be a good option for him, since after this decision the opposition would receive fewer votes than in the elections on June 8. Also it is certain that the Serbian list would no longer be represented by the same people,” said Rada Trajkovic, former MP.

“Fearing the safety situation in Kosovo, the international community might intervene (though it didn’t so far). Although at this moment it seems almost impossible, the Albanians in Kosovo, under the pressure from the outside, could reach an agreement on a coalition with Thaci's PDK. The Serbian List made mistake that it interfered in the inter-Albanian political dispute and essentially already decided by helping Mustafa’s election. The Serbian List also signed the request of opposition, to the Constitutional Court, for recognizing Mustafa’s election. By doing such things, The Serbian List compromised the safety of Serbs. Instead of solving their problems, Serbs continue to make mistakes, because they continually want to rule against the Albanians and to be an essential factor,” says Rada Trajkovic.

According to political analyst Dusan Janjic, the only thing that is certain is that there will be no new elections, despite speculations and statements of Kosovo opposition leaders. Janjic said that the new coalition cannot be formed without PDK. He also believes that the Serbian list hurried "betting on" Isa Mutafa, Ramus Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj, because of Haradinaj’s alleged promises to review the controversial privatization in Kosovo and Metohija.

Branimir Stojanovic, Mayor of Gracanica and official of the Serbian list, said that the Serbian MPs will declare only after a detailed study of Court’s decision. Stojanovic did not want to comment on criticism about the premature actions of the Serbian MPs. He was also without comment when asked about a recent statement of British Ambassador in Pristina, Yan Cliff who said that Serbs "should be in the Government of Kosovo, but not as the crucial factor."

Although all options are open, Stojanovic claims that "there is no chance that PDK enters the government", that the upcoming events will show that the "Serbian List did nothing wrong" and that the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo will soon change.