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Merkel: Germany maintains its promise (Blic)

Dubrovnik-German Chancellor Angela Merkel emphasized today in Dubrovnik that Germany maintains its promise that it will support European integration of all countries of the Western Balkan, and when speaking about some countries, she specially praised the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue.

During the opening of the meeting between region state heads within the Brdo-Brioni process, Merkel said that Belgrade and Pristina dialogue was successful, and very important from the historical perspective . As she said it made possible further improvement on the EU path.

According to her, the courageous leaderships made possible the achieved improvement, their foresight, and decision to use the chance, to set guidelines for a better future, all of which prompted the European perspective.

-It is an interesting experience that dialogue's success have changed situation for the better for the participants. It did not bring benefits only to one side, but to all. Kosovo’s institutions now act in the whole territory of Kosovo, people in the north, after the elections, got local authorities that represent their interests – explained Merkel adding that economically the north will gain profit from it, and Serbia made big step towards the EU.

Progress in the normalization between Belgrade and Pristina, said Merkel, has to be continued and it must not be stopped on the halfway.

Angela Merkel in her opening speech said that Germany is for the European perspective of all the Western Balkans countries, adding that it is not always easy to push for it at home, but they will not give up. She emphasized, however, that progress has to be proved and that a lot of work is before everybody.

She also recalled that Germany next month will organise a conference in Berlin, to assist the Balkan, where Heads of Governments and Ministries will be invited. The gathering will be organized and in future, as the agreement was reached about it with Austria and France.