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A building permit is mandatory (Blic)

Head of the Administrative Office in Northern Mitrovica, Adriana Hodzic said that illegal construction in Brdjani, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, is unacceptable, and that all people who build, must have a regular building permit. 

Hodzic stated that the Administrative Office held two meetings and that one was attended by representatives of the Serbian and Albanian communities from Brdjani. "We came to the conclusion, and both sides agreed that everyone should act according to the law and that it is unacceptable to continue the illegal construction. That means that all those who build, regardless of ethnicity, should have the building permit issued by the Administrative Office," explained Hodzic. 

She said that another meeting was held between the Mayor, Municipal Assembly President and municipal representatives from the Albanian community, in order to reach a solution, not only for Brdjani, but generally for multiethnic areas in northern Mitrovica. "The agreement is that the mayor appoints the Commission, which will be composed of representatives of these communities, along with an official from the Administrative Office, in order to determine the situation on the ground," said Hodzic. 

According to her, it will actually be a process that will be followed closely by the Municipal Assembly and the Mayor, and what is positive is that all parties concerned will find a peaceful solution. 

In Brdjani, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, were suspended all construction works on reconstruction of houses, as a result of the agreement with the Municipal leadership from northern Mitrovica.
