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Putin "recognized" Kosovo because of the Crimea (Blic)

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Crimea, part of Ukraine which is annexed to Russia, the same way as Kosovo, held a referendum and adopted the Declaration of Independence.

At a press conference in Moscow, he recalled the right of peoples to self-determination under the UN Charter. He said he is surprised because in the situation with the declaration of independence of Kosovo, "White was called white" and "in a similar situation with the Crimea - black."

“Crimea, as well as Kosovo, based on referendum, adopted the Declaration of Independence. Crimea then addressed Russia with a request for admission within the composition of the Russian state,” said Putin.

We asked the politicians of the ruling coalition how they interpret this position and whether Putin by these statements indirectly recognized the independence of Kosovo, or only have double standards.

Zoran Babic, MP of the Progressive party (SNS) says that, "policy of Serbia towards Ukraine's crisis is well known (and that is to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every UN member state) as well the policy of Russia is clear. “The position of Russia towards Kosovo is clear. So far, they have not recognized Kosovo and they will not do it, directly or indirectly, in the future,” considered Babic.

The head of the Socialists’ caucus, Diana Vukomanović, also argues that Russia's position on Kosovo is clear, and that Putin's statement is not controversial, at all. When asked whether she believes that Russia has a double standard, she says that "the rules of international politics are such".