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Presse: Williamson’s report deconstructed the lie of Kosovo (Blic)

The report of the Chief Prosecutor for investigation into human organ trafficking in Kosovo, Clint Williamson, which talks about the crimes of the KLA, deconstructed Kosovo's lie, estimates Vienna daily, Presse.

"This is a great day for Kosovo, although many Kosovo Albanians do not see it that way, because again their KLA is accused for war crimes. For too long, the Kosovo people were talking about a righteous war for liberation, in which something like a war crime was impossible. How beautiful that lie was, but still a lie, because today no one can seriously deny that the KLA committed crimes," was said in the newspaper.

Presse indicates that the leading figures in the KLA moved from war to politics, in which from then they dominate. "People already hate them, but due to corruption, and now, probably is the last chance to judicially clarify the individual guilt," estimates Presse.

As stated, that it for many people of Kosovo a painful process, but it is necessary for the society, and that's why this is a good day for Kosovo.

Clint Williamson said yesterday in Brussels that there was insufficient evidence that organs of the kidnapped persons in Kosovo in 1999 were harvested, but there is evidence of involvement of top KLA figures in ethnic cleansing. Williamson said that evidence on systematic crimes against ethnic minorities in Kosovo, especially against Serbs and Roma were found. He added that "individuals who were investigated were at the top of the KLA" and said that it was a crime against humanity, including murder, kidnapping and inhumane treatment of civilian population.