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Vekarić: Necessary to establish the team for cooperation with the Court for the KLA crimes (Danas)

Who is responsible for the fact that even after 15 years there are no results in the prosecution of those responsible for crimes against the Serbs and members of other national communities in Kosovo, including Albanians who are not supporting the KLA?

This is a question to which the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Parliament had no answer. Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun, as well as other members of the parliamentary body from Progressive Party (SNS) mainly blamed War Crimes Prosecution Office for "inefficiency and weakness", while the Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor, Bruno Vekarić, pledged for "perceiving the problem without political qualifications".

Bruno Vekarić said that representatives of the Ministry of the Interior "in different ways analysed statements of 432 persons. Out of that number, 120 persons spoke with the investigating authorities and 30 will appear before different Courts, including international. "Vekarić also stressed that "Serbia needs to establish a professional team for cooperation with the Special Tribunal for Crimes of the KLA, but it's a matter of political will and decision".