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"Serb representatives will work in the interest of the community"(KiM radio)

While in opposition in Pristina believe that the Serbs would be the deciding factor in the executive branch in Kosovo, Slobodan Petrovic believes that the new cabinet members will not have too much influence, but will work in the interests of their community. He repeated that it was not important only a number of ministries but also  people who would lead the ministries, and that they would show their best now and wished them much success. Ljubinko Karadzic from the Serbian list has no doubt that the new representatives in the government would seriously pursue policies comparing to the former representatives. He is convinced that in the best way the interest of Serbs would be taken care of. "There are a number of priority issues, and perhaps one of the most important, the privatization in the Serbian enclaves. We expect that the issue of formation of the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities to be resolved very quickly in Brussels. Its formation likely will be in this government," said Karadzic. Branimir Stojanovic gave up his original functions of Mayor of Gracanica due to involvement in the central government therefore the local government awaits election of a new president. The two largest political options, which have participated in the parliamentary elections together, still do not want to talk about candidates. "It is early to talk about it, because yesterday most of us found out that the new Deputy Prime Minister would be Branimir Stojanovic. What is very clear is that our party would make quickly a decision on participation in the electoral process," says Slobodan Petrovic, who is also president of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS). "The Serbian list will have its own candidate. We will have agreement within the list and come up with a candidate who will win these local elections," says Ljubinko Karadzic from the Serbian list. After the resignation of Branimir Stojanovic, Mayor of the city, Gracanica await new elections, which, according to the authorities, will be organized within the statutory period of 45 days. Until then, the acting mayor will be Stojanovic Nebojsa Milovanovic, Deputy Mayor.