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Kosovo does not participate in the meeting 16 + 1 (Danas)

Belgrade - Although from the signing of the Brussels Treaty (April 2013) the Government of Serbia has a liberal attitude on the participation of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo in international conferences, Pristina has no representatives among the participants of the Third Summit of Heads of Government of China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, held in Belgrade.

The organizers of the summit, China and its European host Serbia officially have not recognized Kosovo's independence, although Beijing after the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on freedom of movement, accepted the Kosovo passports with the appropriate visas.

China with Russia is one of two main and the only allies of Serbia among the permanent members of the UN Security Council, when it comes to respecting Resolution 1244. Some Belgrade media recently accused Moscow and Beijing that they "betrayed Serbia because they did not prevent the entry of Kosovo to the International Olympic Committee," but they did not report that official Belgrade did nothing to prevent Kosovo's membership in this international sports organization.

Although Beijing holds to the principle that, while respecting international law, recognizes states that are received at the UN; China as well as Russia has an office in Pristina. At its head is attaché and it is part of the Embassy of China in Serbia. According to unofficial information of Danas, the Russian and Chinese offices in Pristina hold regular joint meetings.

Chinese office, as sources of Danas say, on the field almost cannot be seen or hear. With Serbs in Kosovo has no contact. In Pristina, the story is that with the Chinese best connections among Albanian leaders in Kosovo has the President of the Alliance for a New Kosovo, businessman Behgjet Pacolli. According to Serbian sources in northern Kosovo, there are three Chinese shops that operate without problems, while south of the Ibar/Iber River for Chinese business is less secure.

In diplomatic circles, is argued that China, because of Taiwan, will never recognize Kosovo.