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Patriarch hopeful prime minister "could succeed" (B92, Tanjug)

Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej believes that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic could be able "to raise Serbia from the ashes."

'' I think that (Vucic) is trying. There are some indications that there will be results,'' the patriarch told the Nedeljnik magazine.

He also expects that "neighboring countries will show more understanding for Serbia this year."

'' I have to believe that he will be able to raise Serbia from these ashes. I hope God will allow us to do better,'' said the Patriarch.

As for President Tomislav Nikolic's announced plan for Kosovo and Metohija, the patriarch said that he hoped the plan "would be in the interest of the people."

"We need everyone to help make this plan be in the interests of our nation, culture, history, churches," Irinej said, adding that "not all depends on Nikolic and Vucic, because, sadly, others have a say as well - but they must always bear in mind that Kosovo and Metohija is the most important Serbian issue."

He stressed that the key plans of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in 2015 are to continue its mission, and endeavor to rebuild the Temple of Saint Sava.

''The mission of the Church is to promote the meaning of life, order, morality, that God is present in our lives. We will be better as soon as we realize that life is not just vegetating, but a big responsibility," the patriarch said.

The head of the SPC also sent a message to citizens "to be better and to do good deeds," adding that "we live in the hope that things will be better, and there is a chance that will be so."

''We must all contribute to that, do good deeds and not wait for someone else to do something for us,'' said he.

Stating that "not everything depends on others, but on ourselves," he stressed that "we must do good to everyone, because faith without good deeds is dead."

Commenting on the launch of the SPC's internet TV channel, the patriarch said that the intention is to allow "the voice of the Church, and everything that is faith, to be heard."

"We will work on this project slowly. I believe that one day it will be available to everyone - that people will be able to watch it like any other TV station, not just on the internet,'' said Irinej.