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Vulin: Serbia will never give up on Kosmet (IRS,Politika)

Minister of Labor and Social Policy Aleksandar Vulin has said that Serbia will never give up on Kosovo-Metohija. Speaking of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic’s visit to Kosmet, Vulin has pointed that Vucic has done what no other prime minister had done over decades.

Media have described the visit as a historical one, whereas Vulin said on TV Panorama on Saturday night that covering of the visit by Pristina-based media is expected.

“It is not a surprise that Pristina-based media see it as an evidence that Serbia is in Kosovo and Metohija, that it is there, that it is present and is not thinking about leaving. They are right, Serbia respects its commitments, respects the Brussels Agreement, but we never said that we will recognize Kosovo, that we will give up on Kosovo,” said Vulin.

He recalled on UN SC Resolution 1244, by which Serbia is not governing Kosovo and Metohija, and added that Serbia never accepted nor said that it will stop being present in Kosovo and Meothija.

In comment to the events related to “Trepca” and the draft amendments of  the law on public companies, which was adopted by the Kosovo Government on 14 January, and enables that the “Trepca” compound become the property of Kosmet, Vulin said that Serbia asked its partners in the international community to stop the campaign about “Trepca”, get it back to the square one and solve it through negotiations.
