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Still no decision on Serb participation in Kosovo government (RTS, B92)

BELGRADE -- Branimir Stojanovic has said that a decision has not yet been made on the further steps when it comes to the Serb List participation in the Kosovo government.

Stojanovic, who serves as a deputy prime minister of Kosovo, told Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS) that meetings will be held between Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Serbs from Kosovo.

"If the decision concerned only us personally, we'd make it easier and faster," he was quoted as saying, and adding:

"But because of the complexity and responsibility towards the people, we need to weigh each step well. We do not really have the best solution, we choose between the least bad ones."

Stojanovic said that the agreement on the judiciary reached in Brussels on Tuesday was "the best possible solution in the present circumstances."

He said he expects the central topic of the next round of the Belgrade and Pristina negotiations to be the forming of a community of Serb municipalities, which, as he pointed out, is "essential for the survival of Serbs in Kosovo."