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"Migration from Kosovo is organized" (B92,Beta)

Faculty for Security professor Zoran Dragisic has said that mass migration from Kosovo and Metohija to the EU is "an organized act of crime groups."

He also pointed out that the recent phenomenon "does not represent a major security threat to Serbia."

"The services should answer what is behind this mass migration, because it is characteristic of war or major catastrophe, which are not present in Kosovo at this moment. Kosovo was also poor ten months and two years ago, but this was not happening. I'm afraid it has been organized by criminal groups," said Dragisic.

According to him, the motives of the organizers of the migration "differ from the motives of the migrants."

"It is quite clear that those trying to leave are leaving because of social motives, but the one who organized them did not do it for that reason, but for something else," said this expert.

Dragisic said that frequent illegal crossings of the border with Hungary "do not represent a security risk for Serbia - because it is mainly families with children," and that those Kosovo Albanians fighting in the ranks of the Islamic State "leave Serbia through other channels."

"It is absolutely clear that our police forces, as soon as the problem began to appear, put it under control, that all these people who pass through our territory are under the watchful eye of security services and the police, so some serious criminals would not take such risks," Dragisic is convinced.
