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"OSCE and Serbia" receive support at UN - FM (B92)

Ivica Dacic says he is satisfied with a briefing at the UN Security Council on Tuesday, considering that "both the OSCE and Serbia received support."

"I am satisfied, because this is an indication that the OSCE, and Serbia as the presiding country, have the right approach and have realized the role to be an objective and honest broker in the fulfillment of what constitutes an agreement," Dacic, Serbia's foreign minister and OSCE chairperson was quoted as saying, and adding: "

"The (UN) SC's support is important, and that we received today, for the functioning of the OSCE and in general our presence on the ground."

He noted that all members of the UN Security Council, 15 of them, "supported and congratulated on the Serbian positions and the chairmanship of the OSCE," and that this happened "at a time reminiscent of the problems and divisions that existed when the organization was founded 40 years ago."

"I presented our views on major flashpoints, I presented the latest developments of the situation concerning the Ukrainian crisis, the strides we've made these days regarding the full implementation of the agreement from Minsk, but also for the start of political dialogue for constitutional reform of Ukraine," said Dacic. He added that Serbia recently begun consultations on a new mandate of the monitoring mission in Ukraine, since the current mandate expires at the end of March.

According to him, Russia and Ukraine have agreed that the mandate of the new mission should be extended for 12 more months.

"That's a positive change. It will also be considered whether there is a sufficient number of observers, the budget, what technical equipment should be acquired," said Dacic.

He added that he would "continue briefings and meetings in the UN, because the OSCE is an important organization for peace and stability and because it is of great importance that the two organizations act jointly."