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Isa lining up army without Serbs (Vecernje Novosti)

Pristina has launched a procedure for creation of army of Kosovo, exactly at the moment when Serbian ministers have frozen their participation in the government! Draft law on transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) is ready and next week it will be forwarded to the government, announced Minister for Kosovo Security Forces Haki Demolli and added that before the adoption of this law the Constitution should be amended. The aim, he said , is that new formation becomes the NATO member. The head of the Serbian Parliament’s Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun, says for Novosti that Pristina will try, at any price, to rename former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), today KSF, into armed forces: “Such motion without any doubts presents the step backwards in normalization of relations with Belgrade, since it creates new tensions and is directed toward the obstruction of the Brussels Agreement, when the creation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities had come to the agenda. In order that KSF can transform into an army the amendment of the Constitution is needed, whereas MP in the Kosovo parliament Sasa Milosavljevic explains that such thing is not possible without the two-third support of MPs, including and two-third of majority of MPs from the ranks of non-majority communities. This means that so cold ‘golden vote’ is with the MPs from the Serbian List, what prompted some speculations that Serbs could be blackmailed to accept the creation of the army in order that A/CSM is formed.