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Joksimovic: Serbia will not additionally burden the Brussels process (Danas)

"Serbia will not further burden the Brussels-based dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," estimated Jadranka Joksimovic, Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration, responding to the question whether the announced Kosovo genocide lawsuit affect the talks on the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo.  She specified that "Brussels dialogue is not an easy process," and that it should not be additionally burdened. "We will not do it," said Jadranka Joksimovic.

Commenting on genocide lawsuit she said that it does not contribute to the strengthening of trust in the process of normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. "It is unrealistic and unnecessary announcement, and certainly does not contribute to the strengthening of trust," concluded Serbian Minister for European Integration.

"I think the lawsuit for genocide will be a mistake; it will not happen as it didn’t happen in the case of Croatia and Bosnia & Hercegovina. There was an intention of genocide, but the presentation of evidence and theoretical arguments are legal labyrinth for which the Kosovo side is not ready. Lawsuit can be submitted for the specific things like reparation for burned houses, which was documented by UNMIK. Even the agreement that Slobodan Milosevic signed with then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin in the first year of the war, in 1998, contains a provision on the payment of war reparations for the burnt villages. This can be documented and I am surprised that so far no one filed such a complaint," said Shkelzen Malići, a political analyst and adviser to the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama.

According to him, the charge of genocide should not affect the Brussels-based dialogue. "Brussels process has its own course and “higher interests”, which are conditioning it. However, it may cause that Serbian side reduce some ambitions, for example, not to make state within the state from the Community of Municipalities, or next Republika Srpska which would keep Kosovo under blockade" he concluded.