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Economic battle for Kosovo (Blic)

Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic will invite the biggest Serbian entrepreneurs and companies to get-together and move into an economic battle for Kosovo.

His intention is to encourage investments and strengthen Kosovo Serbs economically, learned Blic. Entrepreneurs will be invited for a meeting in the Palace of Federation which Vucic will be presiding over in early May. His intention is to prevent illegal privatization of Serbian property, like in case of Brezovica ski-resort. In order to prevent this, state has decided to define strategy for economic strengthening of the southern province, which will involve the biggest Serbian entrepreneurs, along with foreign companies that operate in Serbia.

Office for Kosovo and Meothija will provide assistance in their efforts. “The way to help Serbs will be defined in direct talks,” say in the Office.

Invitations will be sent to MK Group, Nectar, Coca-Cola, Metalac, Henkel, Imlek, Matijevic and many other companies and representatives of banks and associations. Most of entrepreneurs say they will answer affirmatively. “We will answer with pleasure in affirmative way and help the state and Serbs,” said Miodrag Kostic from the MK Group.

The chairperson of the Association of corporate directors, Toplica Spasojevic, is of opinion that economic assistance can be offered in different manners, from creation of joint companies to privatization of Kosovo companies.

“We will participate in privatization of companies which have similar activities with ours. We are interested for the slaughter-house in Kosovska Mitrovica,” said Petar Matijevic.

The director of Metalac Company, Dragoljub Vukadinovic, said that the idea is good but that state has to provide legal guarantees.

Serbs and state of Serbia own 58% of immovable property in Kosovo, whereas 1.000.000 cadastral parcels of arable land is usurped. USD 220 billion is the value of total immovable socially and publicly owned companies in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian companies have 1.218 premises in Kosovo and USD 100.000 Serbia pays daily for servicing Kosovo debts.