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IS tells Balkan Muslims to "either join it, or kill there (Dailies)

The Islamic State has published a propaganda video that threatens Balkan countries and calls on Muslims to either join it, or launch attacks in the Balkans.

The video, titled "Honor is in jihad, a message to the Balkans", has been published by the Alhayat Media Center - a propaganda center established to reach audiences in the West with Islamic messages.

The video, that lasts a little over 22 minutes, has an English language narrator talking about the history of the Balkans, while showing historical footage, and about the Muslim communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania "and other countries in the region."

Members of the Islamic State who came from the Balkans are shown, with several of them calling on other Muslims to go to Iraq and Syria, "where they can safely and with dignity live with their families."

Among the identified Islamists are Abu Bilkis, aka Al Albani and Abu Mukatil, aka Al Kosovo, as well as Abu Muhammad al Bosni.

"Many of you complain that they cannot grow a beard or wear a niqab. Now is your chance, make Hijra," said one of those featured, Salahudding Al Bosni.

He also told the audience that "to think back to the last war in Bosnia-Herzegovina".

As in other propaganda videos, the jihadists are telling those who are "unable to emigrate to the land of Islam" to attack "dictators in Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania", as well as their armies.

"Fight them over there. If you can, put explosives under their cars, in their houses, all of them. If you can, take some poison, put in it their drink, in their food, let them die. Kill them in every place and wherever you can. In Bosnia, in Serbia, in Sandzak. You can do it, Allah will help you," Salahudding Al Bosni is heard saying.

This clip has been "much better produced than the dozens of previous propaganda materials made for the Balkan Islamists in the past 20 years," said the reports.


