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Serbian and Kosovo MPs form a group? (Danas)

MPs of the Serbian and Kosovo parliament who participated in a Round table in Pristina have concluded that it is necessary to establish an informal parliamentary group, noting that despite the differences in attitudes the discussions are necessary, since they can contribute to solving the problems of citizens. The group could be called "Friends of normalization."

Council for Inclusive Governance organized a meeting in Pristina, in order to give opportunity the MPs to exchange experiences and ideas related to mutual cooperation. MP of the Progressive Party in the Serbian Parliament Krstimir Pantic said that the parliamentarians had different understandings when it comes to normalization of relations, but the exchange of the experience was essential. “We insist that Kosovo is not an independent state while the Albanians claim that they circled the process of normalization. I'm afraid that there is not much room for compromise,” said Pantic.

The MP of the Socialist Party Branko Ruzic stated that "Kosovo society has a lot to learn from the Serbian society." "The exchange of opinions in a tolerant way between parliamentarians from Kosovo and Serbia is something that marks these meetings," said Ruzic.

MP of the Democratic League of Kosovo in the Kosovo parliament, Sadri Ferati said that "today we have more ambition to form a group for cooperation, in order to work on the topics related to progress. We should not wait some organization that will come with its prepared agenda, but we should prepare everything in advance and see how we can contribute."
