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Detention to Oliver Ivanovic extended till 27 October (TV Most)

The Board of EULEX judges in Mitrovica North today extended the detention to the leader of Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic till 27 October. Ivanovic was informed about the decision in a hospital, where he was due to deteriorating health condition caused by several days of hunger strike.

Lawyer of Oliver Ivanovic, Nebojiša Vlajić, said that the decision on extension of custody to his client is a confirmation of what we have seen since the beginning of the proceeding. As Vlajic said, after more than a year and half a Court further reiterates that there is a reasonable suspicion, although none of the 47 witnesses blamed Oliver Ivanovic.

Vlajić added that in the explanation of the court decision was mentioned the alleged possibility of escape and influence on the witnesses, what according to him is “illusion”.  “Everyone knows that Ivanovic would not run away and that not even one of the witnesses reported any pressure, not even attempt to contact or talk to them. The explanation of the decision simply is not possible.”

In the morning Vlajic will submit an appeal on this decision to the Court of Appeals in Pristina.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that extension of the detention for Oliver Ivanovic presents major impudence and arrogance “showing in such a way not only attitude towards Ivanovic but also towards Serbian nation and our country.” “Don’t worry, we will talk about it in Brussels and Vienna,” said Vucic.