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The battle for Suvi Do (Vesti)

The agreement in Brussels envisage for the northern and southern Mitrovica to solve all their problems until 10 October, and most of them are in multi-ethnic villages of Suvi Do and Brđani, where it is difficult to draw the municipal boundary. As far as for Brdjani settlement, there should not be a problem, because it is clear to everyone that this settlement is in the municipalities of northern Mitrovica and Zvecan/Zveqan. However, Albanians from the southern part of the city in Brdjani build facilities for years and claim that Serbian administration cannot prevent it. The last recorded problem in Brdjani was this summer and since than it has been quiet because everyone is waiting to see under whose jurisdiction would be the settlement.

Suvi Do (Upper and Lower) are geographically located in northern Mitrovica, but the Serbs have reasons to worry. Statute of the municipality of North Mitrovica envisages that in accordance with Article 5 of the European Charter of Local Self-government municipal boundaries cannot be altered without the consent of citizens and referendum. According to the statute, Suvi Do belongs to the municipality of Northern Mitrovica. 

However, according to the Kosovo Law on Administrative Municipal Boundaries, before the central government approved the statute of North Mitrovica, Suvi Do was attached to the cadastral area of southern Mitrovica. Then it confirmed the statute of the southern part of the city.

Who will win and whether a compromise will be sought, it's still uncertain. For now, the two parts of Suvi Do categorically are saying that certainly they will not give up.

It was agreed in Brussels to start the reconstruction and expansion of the main bridge in Mitrovica, which divides the northern and southern part of the city. It should begin on October 15 and to be completed by the end of 2016. During this time, the bridge will be closed to traffic. 

Under the agreement in Brussels, the Peace Park on the Serbian side will be removed; the bridge will be rebuilt for bicycles and pedestrian paths, and on the approaches to the bridge will be built roundabouts which will regulate traffic regime. The works will be monitored by the mayors of the north and south part of the city.