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Battle over Serbian monuments is not lost (RTS)

The Radio Belgrade director and long-time correspondent from Kosovo, Milivoje Mihajlovic, said to RTS that Serbia did not lose the battle for preservation of Serbian monuments. Serious job and diplomatic initiative lies ahead, which has to be finalized in November when UNESCO General Conference is due to take place.

Mihjlovic further said that procedure of voting in UNESCO is complicated, particularly due to the fact that abstained votes have negative weight, when it comes to Serbian position. “However, if decision would be positive for Albanian side, UNESCO won’t be any more what it used to be, it would become powerful political organization and a playground for certain political games, and would in no way deal only with protection of cultural heritage,” said Mihajlovic.

Mihajlovic further said that diplomatic offensive is not running late because there was nothing else that could have been done since it is all about only one goal – that Kosovo becomes a member of the United Nations, what is political goal of political elite in Kosovo and main goal of extremists, who are majority in political elite of Kosovo and who want to ethically clean Kosovo from Serbs and pull out Serbian roots and destroy Serbian monuments.

Serbian state and the church leadership position is that Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO is unacceptable.