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Nikolic: Just and almost impossible victory (Tanjug, Blic)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic congratulated citizens of Serbia the outcome of voting at the UNESCO General Conference after Kosovo’ s request for membership failed, and said that this was a just and moral victory in almost impossible conditions. He also congratulated Serbian Government for investing huge diplomatic efforts and did not give up even when it looked like that all is lost.

“Serbia has many friends in the world which is not set on the basis of an economic trade exchange and force of weapons, but instead on the behavior of nations and states. This victory was not won because of money, but due to respect that the world is paying to our state and nation,” said Nikolic, and added that we can achieve impossible when we all work for the interest of Serbia.

This is, added Nikolic, continuation of struggle for Kosovo and Metohija and quite clear sign to all that we will never give up on our south Serbian province.