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Jevtic: Emergency measures to protect the returnees and their property (KIM radio, TV Most, Blic)

The house of family Lazic in Klina/Kline was stoned on Wednesday night.  Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo Government Dalibor Jevtic assessed the situation as alarming and that urgent steps have to be taken in order to protect the returnees and their property in this and other parts of Kosovo.

Jevtic said that an emergency response of the competent authority was required in order to prevent repetition of March 17 and stated that the delayed reaction creates space for new incidents, and that this must be avoided.

"It is particularly dangerous in an atmosphere of chaos which is being created in Kosovo, and excuse is sought in the formation of Community of Serbian municipalities, which again puts target on Serbs' forehead," says Jevtic.

He said that, just few days before stoning of the house, on November 14, unknown persons wrote on the part of the asphalt road in the village of Boksic near Klina "ISIS", which additionally worries.

"We wonder whether the same signature was behind the stoning of Mazic’s home and we expect from Kosovo Police to give us immediate answers to these questions," says the statement of the Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic.