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Attacks on Serb returnees must be prevented (TV Most)

Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija once more called on authorities in Pristina to take all necessary steps in order to prevent frequent and impertinent attacks on Serbian returnees and their property.

Breaking into a house of orthodox priest in a returnee enclave such as Osojane, even if the motive would be pure self-interest, creates anxiety among the entire community and can have serious consequences, reads a communiqué issue by the Office for Kosovo. Pristina must provide better police protection in returnee’s enclaves by providing more Serbian police officers and police departments in Serb-majority enclaves, reads the communiqué and adds that such actions would have positive reflection among Serbian community.

Office also urged for more efficient investigations aiming at identification of perpetrators and bringing them to justice. Office also communicated that it expects from international community in Kosovo, foremost EULEX, to encourage Pristina administration in finding efficient response to permanent threats to safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, particularly to those who live in returnee enclaves.
