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Tahiri: Serbian IDs only during provisional period (KoSSev)

Kosovo Minister without portfolio Edita Tahiri reflected on withdrawal of the administrative instruction issued to Kosovo Police on denying entry to holders of Serbian identification documents residing in Kosovo and explained that provisional period for use of such documents will be offered to all residents who are still using such ID cards.

Tahiri said that Kosovo authorities have informed the European Union that identification documents issued by Serbian ‘parallel structures’ are violating the agreement on freedom of movement and that residents holding such IDs will be offered certain provisional period for entering Kosovo. She added that EU will work on settling this issue in line with the Chapter 35. “Serbia should stop manipulating citizens,” said Tahiri to KoSSev.

Kosovo Deputy Minister for Internal Affairs Milan Radojevic earlier stated that Pristina has suspended the administrative instruction on denying entry to Kosovo to residents of Kosovo who are using identification documents issued by displaced police departments from Kosovo that operate in Serbia proper. Information was also confirmed by the head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija.
