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Gnocci: Issue of identification documents to be addressed in the dialogue (KoSSev)

In an interview to KoSSev, the head of the political section of the Office of the European Union in Kosovo Thomas Gnocci reflected on recent problems at crossings between Kosovo and Serbia with relation to administrative instruction issued by Kosovo authorities to Kosovo Police denying entry to Kosovo residents using identification documents issued by Serbian administration, and said that issue of the use of identification documents will be discussed in the frame of the ongoing dialogue in Brussels.

Gnocci said that his office is familiar with the issue and that they informed Pristina that this issue has to be discussed in the relevant context, that is, in the framework of the dialogue on freedom of movement, which is the place where this issue should be settled. He voiced expectation that this issue will be settled in an adequate manner.

Gnocci added that the purpose of the dialogue is that life is made easier to citizens, not more difficult and bearing this in mind he believes that solution will be found that would enable easier life to residents.
