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M.Trajkovic: Albanians think they would be better off without Serbs (Blic)

The current political turmoil in Pristina most directly affects the safety and hopelessness of Serbs in Kosovo, says the leader of the Serbian Resistance Movement (SPOT) Momcilo Trajkovic.

He says that it is a strategy which aims a change of government among Albanians, but also that Serbian factor disappears which is disturbing for them.

-They feel that they would be better off without Serbs – says Trajkovic.

He even believes that radical forces, primarily the Self-Determination, that is, as he says, a new Albin Kurti, will be essentially the leader of European integration and cooperation with Serbia, although they are now against.

-That is what the international community demands, as it has done previously in some countries of the region - says Trajkovic, who is taking part in the conference "The World in 2016" organized by the London Economist.