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Srđan Mitrović new head of Provisional Body of Gnjilane (KIM Radio, TV Puls)

On 11 December Serbian Government appointed Srđan Mitrović as a new head of the Provisional Body of Gnjilane/Gjilan District, with the seat in village Gornje Kusce. Mitrović said to TV Puls, that complete municipal administration (Serbia sponsored) is now fully functional.

Mitrović further stated that a team of experts will be created in the near future aimed at creating policies and concrete plans for the next year with the goal to present Kosovo Pomoravlje region at all levels where interests of residents are discussed, be it in front of Serbia sponsored bodies or Pristina institutions. Mitrović comes from the ranks of the Socialist Party of Serbia and holds a post of the head of Kosovo Pomoravlje District, too.
