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They want to decrease competencies of the A/CSM, compromise is key of negotiations (RTK2)

Another round of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina at Prime Minister level has ended. Statements on both sides are, as have been in the past, contradicting and incomplete, and the public has little information on the negotiation details. After a meeting lasting several-hours in the Brussels office of Federica Mogherini, a statement was issued that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities was discussed, an agreement was reached on mutual recognition of diplomas and that there will be a shift in the implementation of the agreement on freedom of movement.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic said that most important thing is continuing the dialogue. He added that the Kosovo government will soon adopt a decision on the creation of the Association/Community Serb-majority municipalities, and this will be followed by the more difficult task of drafting the statute of the A/CSM.

“There will be further objections for sure, but we want the statute of the A/CSM to be broad as possible to be able to respond to the needs of the Serbs, without which they cannot survive here. It is important not to alter the agreement and for it to remain as was agreed. Many would like to take away its purpose,” said Stojanovic.

The Serbian List MP in the Kosovo parliament Nenad Rasic said that results of the dialogue should be presented by the EU, being the facilitator, in order to avoid different interpretations. “The purpose of the Brussels negotiations was to improve Serbs' living conditions, but this is not the case anymore. (...) Both sides of the negotiations have to be more constructive and more decisive about topics that should be discussed, instead of creating misunderstandings. Compromise is the key to everything,” said Rasic.