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Kouchner, a witness against Thaci? (Vecernje Novosti)

The first head of UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner could be a potential witness against Hashim Thaci, who is likely to be indicted by the Special Court for war crimes in Kosovo - reported the Paris daily "Le Figaro" on Wednesday. Previously, the French agency AFP, had reported that Thaci could be among the accused before the special court for KLA crimes by the end of the year, citing an unnamed western diplomat.

According to the Figaro, it is believed that Thaci governed the organ trafficking of about 500 Serbs and Roma, who were held in prisons managed by the "Albanian guerrilla."

Commenting on the statements of the French media, Milovan Drecun, Chairman of the working group of the Serbian Assembly for gathering the facts and evidence in solving crimes against Serbian people and other ethnic communities in Kosovo, told Vecernje Novosti that it would be a surprise if Hashim Thaci will not be among those who would be by the end of the year accused before the special court for KLA crimes:

- Especially if one takes into account that the indictment against Thaci was based on the findings of the EU members of the Special Team, that was formed in 2011 to investigate the allegations in the report of the Council of Europe.

The possibility that Bernard Kouchner is a witness in the Thaci's case, Drecun says:

 - The question is how much is Kouchner ready to talk. While he was in Kosovo, there was a strong bond between him and Thaci, and Kouchner had at his disposal comprehensive documentation about the crimes of the KLA and Thaci, as well as on human organ trade in which he was involved. All this documentation was, however, concealed and heinous crimes covered up, just under Kouchner's mandate.

Drecun says that either through the War Crimes Prosecution, or directly, the Working group will submit all information about the commanders, executors and witnesses of crimes committed by the leaders of the terrorist KLA, to the Special Investigation Team of the EU or the special court for KLA crimes. They have already asked for access to the documentation held by the UN, OSCE and KFOR in relation to crimes of the KLA, while EULEX and NATO have refused to cooperate because, allegedly, "they do not have a mandate to deal with it and do not want to enter into politics".