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What Kouchner knows about Thaci? (RTS)

With regards to the recent information that former defender of Thaci, and first UNMIK chief Bernard Kouchner, may be a witness against  the current Kosovo President before the Special Court for KLA crimes, Hashim Thaci said in The Hague that he supports the work of the court, adding that it is an opportunity for Kosovo, not a punishment. Bernard Kouchner, head of UNMIK from July 1999 to 2001 shook his head in disagreement when previously asked about organ trafficking from the Yellow House by a VoA correspondent.

Kouchner, a witness against Thaci? (Vecernje Novosti)

The first head of UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner could be a potential witness against Hashim Thaci, who is likely to be indicted by the Special Court for war crimes in Kosovo - reported the Paris daily "Le Figaro" on Wednesday. Previously, the French agency AFP, had reported that Thaci could be among the accused before the special court for KLA crimes by the end of the year, citing an unnamed western diplomat.