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Tomanovic: Families of missing Serbs are bitter (Blic, Politika)

President of the Association of Kidnapped and Missing Persons in Kosovo and Metohija, Verica Tomanovic says that families are aware that the fate of their loved ones cannot be disclosed without the participation of EULEX and the Albanian institutions. She says that due to the passivity of EULEX and Albanian institutions there has been no progress in the search process over the past eleven years.

She stressed that the families of 540 missing Serbs are bitter because their every attempt to find out something new is faced by a wall of silence and legal arrogance.

- There can be no justification for the kidnapping and killing of people on the threshold of their homes and workplaces, as well as the exodus of 300,000 people from the area, where they lived for centuries. From our list of missing people, nobody has been found alive in the last ten years, while the remains of 363 Serbian victims were found - said Tomanovic to the Politika daily.

Tomanovic said that they are also waiting for an answer on the question of the examination of areas in north Albania, where according to some sources, mass graves are located. She also said that statements from witnesses about graves in Kosovo should be checked. In addition, she said that it was assumed that some Serbian victims have been buried as Albanians.