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"Mountaineers" desecrate Serbian Orthodox church in Pristina (B92, RTS, KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

Pristina-based Albanian language website indeksonlajn has published photographs of two young men climbing an unfinished Orthodox temple.

Serbian state broadcaster RTS is quoting local media as reporting that the scene was one of "a climbing challenge, to the top of the Orthodox church in Pristina."

The two unknown persons climbed up to the highest dome of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic strongly condemned this as another in a series of church desecrations.

"After many cases of desecration - turning the temple into a public toilet, the homeless living there, inappropriate videos being recorded there, the Temple of Christ the Savior is again the target of those who do not respect holy places. Two men who have climbed to the top of the church, respecting neither it nor Orthodox believers, it's unlikely they respect their own faith," Stojanovic said reacting to the incident.

This minister "asked authorities to determine who the two young men are, who dared to, at the time of (Easter) lent, ahead of one of the biggest Serbian holidays, commit something like this and whether these were the same people who climbed the same temple slightly less than a year ago."

Stojanovic reiterated that the temple of Christ the Savior in Pristina must be secured and that the perpetrators must be punished.