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TV Most crew from north assaulted near Pristina (B92, RTS, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

A crew from TV Most, a broadcaster based in Zvečan/Zveçan, northern Kosovo, was attacked on Tuesday as they were reporting from the town of Obilić/Obiliq, near Pristina.

The broadcaster said that "a younger" ethnic Albanian man first attacked verbally journalist Jasmina Stojković, cameraman Boban Sekulić, and driver Aleksandar Sotlić, and then physically.

Stojković said that the man approached and started "cursing, shouting, and insulting" them, saying that "they belong in Belgrade" and that they should "get out, go to Serbia!"

"Then he took a shovel from a nearby store, swung it at the cameraman, and hit him on the arm," recounted the incident Jasmina Stojković.
Beta agency reports that Stojković said "the attacker was probably reacting to the Belgrade's plates on the broadcaster's vehicle.

"A large group of Albanians were watching all this without reacting. The crew called the police that arrived after about ten minutes, even though the police station is in the immediate vicinity of the location where the attack took place," she said.
The attacker fled the scene after the incident, while the TV Most crew were taken to the police station in order to give their statements.