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Journalists’ associations request annulment of election of RTK2 director (TV Most)

Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo requested from the RTK board of directors to annul the decision on election of the RTK2 (channel in Serbian language) director, because the elected candidate is not meeting the criteria provided by the Law on RTK. Nikola Krstić, who was elected by the RTK board for this post, used to be deputy Mayor of Štrpce/Shtërpcë Municipality until 2015, reads UNS communique.

UNS and UNS in Kosovo said in a communique, forwarded to media, that irregularities in the process of election of the RTK2 director were brought to the attention of the RTK board, and the chairperson of the Media Commission in the Kosovo Assembly, however the RTK board consciously violated the Law on RTK and elected the candidate which is not fulfilling required criteria for this post.

Journalists’ associations further said that they are not in favor of any candidate and that they only wish that the law is respected.
