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Kozarev: Does Pristina consider EU representatives as infidels as well? (KIM radio)

Deputy director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dušan Kozarev, asked Kosovo prime minister’s advisor Bajram Gecaj ‘if political representatives of Kosovo Albanians consider and EU representatives in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina as infidels as well since they promised, by signing the agreement on 25 August last year, that ZSO (Community of Serb majority municipalities) will be established and the rest of agreements implemented’.

Kozarev condemned ‘politically incorrect’ statement of Gecaj and said that this is yet another new, primitive form of Pristina’s excuse for non-implementation of the agreement on the establishment of the ZSO, by which they are trying to hide the fact that deadlines for the implementation of all related actions for its establishment, signed by the Kosovo prime minister, have expired.

“Establishment of ZSO is most important step in the so far flow of normalization of relations and without which there is no interest on the side of Belgrade to participate in the dialogue, either” said Kozarev, and added that no new conditions out of the signed agreement would be considered by Belgrade.

Gecaj stated yesterday that the director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, is infidel who proved once more that doesn’t know Albanians very well.
