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Đukanović: US insists on full normalization of relations (Tanjug,TV Most)

Dragan Đukanović from the Center for Foreign Policy, ahead of the visit of the US vice-president Joseph Biden, says that new conditions should not be expected, however the US will insist in acceleration of the implementation of the so far reached agreements in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Đukanović said to TV N1 that US will insist of full normalization of relations and acceleration of what has been agreed, foremost the agreement on the creation of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities (A/CSM). According to him Serbia can’t expect any drastic conditions and change of policy, when it comes to the US. “They will request continuity, I don’t expect a sort of scenario where they will request recognition of Kosovo. It appears to me that there is no will on Pristina’s side for starting the establishment of the Community of Serb majority municipalities,” said Đukanović, and added that negotiations are a bit on hold, however there were certain positive signals in past couple days, such as removal of the Peace Park in Kosovska Mitrovica.
