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Protests in Pristina - a compliment for Jeremić (Vesti)

For the third time, members of the UN Security Council on Monday will give its opinion on candidates for the future UN Secretary General.  The candidate of Serbia Vuk Jeremić came in second place after the previous round of voting in the East River, right behind Antonio Guterres, the Portuguese.

According to Nikola Jovanović, one of the closest associates of Jeremić, and Director of CIRSD, a former chief of Serbian diplomacy awaits the next round with cautious optimism.

Jovanović says that the aim of the candidate of Serbia is to be in the top four ranked after Monday.

Presumably, Kosovo Albanians also believe that Serbian candidate has a serious chance to take the world's most important diplomatic position.

On the eve of voting in the Security Council in Pristina are scheduled two separate protest rallies against candidacy of Vuk Jeremić for the UN secretary-general, reports media in Kosovo.

The explanation for the protests was that Jeremić is "anti-Albanian politician", and if he is at that position, the admission of Kosovo to the UN would be blocked the next 10 years.

According to Feodor Starčević, the entire previous activity of Vuk Jeremić on the question of Kosovo is completely legitimate and there is nothing to complain.

- As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia he had to oppose that a part of Serbia gain independence by its own will. He worked conscientiously and in the interest of Serbia, and the same would have acted any other foreign minister of some country. Of course this does not go in favour of Albanians from Kosovo, and is expected that they do not look upon him favourably - says Starčević.

- It is not up to the Secretary-General to decide whether a country should be admitted to the UN, than the bodies of the organization, the Security Council and the General Assembly. It is evident that it is about outburst of antipathy and attempt to somehow harm Jeremić's candidacy because if has no chance there would be no need to organize the protests. I think that Albanians from Kosovo give him a compliment in a way, by treating so seriously the possibility that he become the Secretary General of the UN - estimated Starčević.