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Stojanović: Serbian list did not return to the government (KoSSev)

Electronic media in Pristina reported that Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Branimir Stojanović, has returned to the Government of Kosovo, and that he spends his working day in the building of the government in Pristina.

Pristina, distancing, on the other hand, states that "it is unknown whether his return to the office means the interruption of the boycott of the Serbian List."

"We continue to boycott the work of government, the Commission and other government bodies," for KoSSev, however, said Branimir Stojanović.

He explained that Serbian representatives in the Kosovo government continue to "perform all administrative tasks," primarily" a number of projects that have been started in cooperation with international representatives and Serbs this time do not want to jeopardize them" as was the case when the Serbs boycotted the government last year.

"We do not participate in any political process," said Stojanović to KoSSev.

Asked whether the possibility of leaving the government was excluded, to what Stojanović previously warned, he said:

"Of course not."