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Kozarev: Preserved unity of Serbs in Kosovo (KIM radio)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dušan Kozarev said today that they successfully prevented attempts to undermine the political unity of the Serbian people in Kosovo and the coordination of the political representatives of Serbs with the Serbian government.

Kozarev said, at the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, presenting the report on the office work for 2016 that the government through the Office has managed to consolidate its presence in areas populated predominantly with Serbian population and strengthen its capacities for the help to the Serbs in Kosovo.

Kozarev pointed out that the activities of the Office for KiM were taking place in harsh conditions due to intensified efforts of Pristina to weaken the political, institutional and economic capacities of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

Speaking about the case of Oliver Ivanović, Kozarev said that against him as well as against other Serbs in Kosovo are taking place the political processes, and that the arrests of Serbs are politically motivated.

He recalled that the Serbian government had given guarantees for Oliver Ivanović and that the Office would continue to help his family.