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Vucic: If I said 'all Serbs in one state' I'd hang from flagpole (B92, Tanjug)

PM and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic says the statements regarding a unification of Albania and Kosovo "will remain only in the realm of wishful thinking."

Vucic also asked their "protagonists" - i.e., Albanian PM Edi Rama and Kosovo President Hashim Thaci - "not to be publicly presenting something like this, because it does not contribute to good relations in the region."

"We plead with them, I repeat, we plead not to present such statements publicly, no matter what they think, because it does not contribute to good relations in the region, nor to creating an atmosphere of cooperation and joint work on important projects," Vucic told a press conference on Thursday, held after his meeting at the government HQ In Belgrade with representatives of the defense industry.

He added that it was "clear to everyone that it will not happen regardless of somebody's wishes."

Vucic then "called on the European Union to react to these statement" and remarked that, had he said that all Serbs should live in one state, he would "probably be hung from a flagpole in Brussels, instead of one the flags hanging there."

He said that the Serbian government "does not wish to insult anyone and is not making any statements of the kind, because it is thinking only about a good and successful economy and a better standard of living."

"Precisely this topic of growth of our GDP was dominant during the government session attended by representatives of the World Bank. How to increase economic growth, and one of the things, one of the measures we are not pleased with is our capital investments. Not the conditions we provide - because that is now much better than before - but the state spending more money, and that it is better spent, in such a way as to return through the higher income of workers and greater profits for factories" Vucic said.
