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US to send 130 more soldiers to Kosovo (B92, Blic)

Analysts say the US announcement of sending an additional 130 troops to Kosovo to support KFOR and NATO is a message to warmongering politicians in the region.

The troops in question are members of US special units of the Tupelo-based 1st Battalion, "highly trained for emergency response," the daily Blic is reporting.

They will arrive in Kosovo after preparations in Fort Hood in Texas, where they are "learning Serbian and Albanian" and "becoming acquainted with the Balkans," said the article.

"When they arrive in Kosovo will be deployed as part of KFOR aviation units that use UH 60 Black Hawk helicopters and will stay for 10 months," writes Blic.

Analyst Dusan Janjic told the paper that this is "more a political and security than a military message of the US."

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