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Simić: Priština behind Jablanović clan (KIM radio)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić says that there is no doubt that Pristina is trying to provoke tensions ahead of elections in Kosovo, reported KIM radio.

He said that this is the role of some supposedly Serbian politicians who are nominated by Albanian parties in order to abuse them for their own interests.

Simić told reporters that the mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanović and his son Aleksandar are a clan in the service of Pristina.

"So, yesterday our activists were attacked, yesterday was attacked Serbia, because if someone threatens activists of the Serbian List, threatens and our country ... So if some  Albanian prosecutor releases someone despite the 10 witnesses who claimed that Aleksandar Jablanović attacked our activists, then things are completely clear," said Simić, reported KIM radio.