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NATO general compares 1999 attack on Serbia to Nagasaki (B92, Politika)

The bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) was "NATO's experimental war."

This is according to retired Italian general and NATO military diplomat Biagio di Grazia.

In addition, Di Grazia says he saw parallels between the 1999 bombing, and the atomic bomb the US used against the Japanese town of Nagasaki.

"It was an experimental war that NATO used to, among other things, train its air force, during an attack where there was an incomparable disproportion between those attacking, and those defending themselves," Di Grazia told Belgrade-based daily Politika, speaking about the 1999 war.

He gave the interview last week when he visited Serbia to promote his book, "Why NATO bombed Serbia" - where he speaks about his experiences in service.

Commenting on the parallel that he draws between the 1999 bombing, and the atomic bomb used against Nagasaki, Di Grazia said that "if the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima is in part to be seen as military action, the next, the one dropped on Nagasaki - at a time when Japan had already accepted capitulation - marked the beginning the Cold War and was a message of sorts that the US sent to the Soviet Union."

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