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Making link between EU and Nazis abhorrent - spokesman (B92, Tanjug)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Stickers proclaiming the EU mission in Kosovo was the enemy of the Serb people and calling on it "to go home" have appeared in Kosovska Mitrovica.

The messages, plastered on traffic signs across Kosovska Mitrovica overnight, show the EULEX logo and the swastika, along with the message, "EULEX - enemy of the Serb people. "

Some of the stickers read "EULEX go home," and also appeared at several locations in the town of Zubin Potok, also in northern Kosovo.

"The author" of the posters is unknown, Tanjug reported.

Reacting to this, the EU mission stated that it is abhorrent to bring the EU in connection to the flag of the Nazi regime.

Head of the EULEX Press and Public Information Office Miguel Carvalho de Faria told Tanjug that the mission has no other comment except that it is abhorrent to bring the EU, the long-time fighter for freedom, democracy and rule of law, in connection to the flag of the Nazi regime.