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The Serbian List terminated boycott (Blic)

Candidates of the "Serbian List" terminated boycott of the election campaign for early parliamentary elections in Kosovo. 

The first on the list Branimir Stojanovic, who is also the Mayor of Gracanica, said to the Serbs gathered at the Cultural Center in Ranilug that the Serbian List will participate in these elections, because they are not willing to be silent to injustice. They cannot accept forming of the Kosovo Army, as well someone else rule the Serbs. Stojanovic said that the Serbian List presents just one interest, which is – the Serbian interest. 

A candidate for MP of the Serbian list in front of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS), Slobodan Petrovic, who is the current Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, said that they gathered at rally because of the common result which is: "One nation, one list, the same goal." He expressed confidence that the Serbian List will certainly win these elections. 

Vladeta Kostic, a member of the Serbian parliament, said that in the recent local elections, CI Srpska won more than 40,000 votes, and political opponents of Srpska won less than 800 votes. Kostic said that the Serbian List has capable people as its candidates for MPs, behind which are their profession, knowledge and honesty. He recalled that Serbian List is supported by the Government of Serbia. 

Candidates of Serbian lists held election rally in Silovo near Gnjilane/Gjilan. As announced, on Friday the Convention of Serbian List will be held in Gracanica.