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A warning strike because of the re-election in Partes (RTS)

On the occasion of the decision of the Pristina institutions to repeat the local elections in the municipality of Partes, a one-hour strike of warning was held in local self-government bodies with a Serb majority.

"Attempt of Pristina to redraw citizens' will cannot pass. This protest is only a warning that we will not allow the redrawing of the citizens' election will," said leader of the Serbian List Goran Rakic in a statement for Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Citizens voted on the 22nd of October, and have chosen the best. "So in Partes, with about 60 per cent of the votes, Dragan Nikolic was elected," Rakic said.

He states that they filed an appeal to the Constitutional Court. If the judges are guided by the law, Rakic expects there will be no new elections.

"If politics involves its fingers, I do not know what will happen next. I would not want to use hard words, but if the judges of the constitutional court are not led by the law - we will radicalize these protests," Rakic warned.

Tomorrow at 11 o'clock, the 72-hour deadline expires, and judges have to reach a verdict. "I hope that they will be led only by legal frameworks and arguments," Rakic concluded.