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"Republic of Kosovo' project is obviously failing" (B92, Tanjug)

Russian and Chinese ambassadors spoke in favor of continuing the UNMIK mission in Kosovo, during Tuesday's UN Security Council session dedicated to its work.

At the same time, representatives of France, Great Britain and the United States called for it be abolished.

Russia's Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya said Moscow disagrees with the "very optimistic assessment" presented during the meeting by the Kosovo ambassador to the United States.

As he said that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina had stalled.

Nebenzya warned that events in Kosovo threatened to undermine the entire system of regional stability.

He also accused Pristina of "sabotaging" the implementation of the agreement on the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities.

"The Republic of Kosovo project is obviously failing," said the Russian ambassador.

At the same time, he pointed to the issue of the planned transition of the Kosovo security forces into an army, which, he stressed, runs contrary to UN Resolution 1244, according to which KFOR is the only armed force in Kosovo.

The diplomat also pointed to the problem of Islamic radicalism and terrorism in Kosovo.

China respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and understands its concerns over Kosovo, said its representative, and emphasized that Beijing considers Resolution 1244 the legal basis for resolving this issue.

Zhnang Diabin called on the UN Security Council to pay attention to Kosovo and stressed that China supports UNMIK's mandate in the current format, urging the parties in the process of resolving the Kosovo crisis to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric.

Deputy US Ambassador to the United Nations Michele Sison said that UNMIK had fulfilled its mandate in Kosovo, and that it was "now time to transition the mission and direct United Nations resources to more critical issues."

The reporting and briefing period should change from three months to six months or even longer, she said, adding reiterating support for "full international recognition of Kosovo and its membership in all relevant organizations, including the United Nations and Interpol."

"There is no need for a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo," said the representative of France.

The future of Kosovo, Anne Gueguen added, lies primarily in the outcome of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under European Union auspices.

At the same time, she welcomed the initiative of President Aleksandar Vucic to initiate an internal dialogue on Kosovo, as well as integration of the Serb judges and prosecutors into the judicial system of Kosovo.

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